All Episodes

Displaying episodes 31 - 41 of 41 in total

That's Just It... slow living is valid

This episode is about a new concept, slow living. Defined as having a slower approach to life, Sean goes into how she has been trying to implement this mindset into he...

That's Just It... it's the small things

Hi everyone! This week Sean is chatting about something that has helped her stay positive in times of hardship. It's pretty simple in theory, but in reality, it can be...

That's Just It… social media is so draining

*warning for this episode: there is some background noise, which unfortunately i wasn't aware of, many apologies!*In this episode, Sean is talking about a very common ...

That's Just It... change can be good

For this week's episode, Sean is diving into her past couple of weeks and what she's learned from them. Sean mentions how change can be scary sometimes but how accepti...

That's Just It... spring is here!

In this episode, Sean is sharing her excitement for the upcoming spring season. She shares how much the environment you're in can change your mood and productivity. Se...

That's Just It... mindset is everything

This week, Sean is talking about something she is very passionate about. It’s your mindset and attitude! While this is a hard topic to tackle, Sean breaks down how she...

That's Just It... prioritizing yourself is actually important??

In this episode, Sean recaps her week and talks about how she put herself first. While everyone says putting yourself first is important, Sean shares her two cents abo...

That's Just It... representation matters

In this week's chat, Sean is sharing her thoughts about the Oscars! Sean discusses EEAO or Everything Everywhere All at Once and all the awards the movie was given. Sh...

That's Just it... being overwhelmed sucks

Sean comes to the mic today to talk about something that is quite common... feeling overwhelmed! Sean talks about how this happens often to her, whether that be in any...

That's Just It... i wanna start a podcast

Sean will be talking about who she is and why she wanted to start this pod! She's excited to talk about all sorts of topics, and hopefully, make some connections or he...

Welcome To: That's Just it

Welcome to That's Just it with Sean Kern. This is a sneak peek of what will be on the show every Friday at 7 am! 

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